SCM/Logistics & Production control

Professional experience – SCM/Logistics & Production control

  • In addition to finance, the supply chain runs through the departments of a company as a further cross-sectional function, both of which form the basis for controlling. The supply chain enables the necessary links and checks to be put in place in order to ensure from inside the company the success of sales in the market.
  • Optimizing the value-added chain: Aligning processes starting from purchase up to production and sales in order to satisfy the customer’s benefit in the market; productivity increase; cost reduction.
  • In my understanding, production facilities shall be controlled integratively via Supply Chain Management if they are to work efficiently.
  • Linking procurement, warehouse, production and cross-border sales logistics.
  • External (e.g. for trucks “Atrucks”, for railway “Etran”) and internal (e.g. yard management “Yard”) logistic systems.
  • Leadership experience as head of SCM/Logistics and head of Logistics planning.

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