
Business is more than just figures – it is the result of people’s work from different cultures, working together for the same goal.

In the BRICS countries, I work for you together with strong partners

In every BRICS region, business methods are unique, rooted in an individual cultural standard.

We solve this for your company not only in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, but also in the BRICS+ area which includes the countries of the Global South.

I would be pleased to help your company

  • establish and develop
  • restructure
  • close down

your business with costumers in the following regions. There, I can represent your interests sustainably, based on personal business experience on the spot:

  • Germany, Austria, Switzerland
  • Western Europe
  • Balkan countries
  • Baltic states
  • Eastern Europe (inter alia, the Czech Republic)
  • Russia
  • CIS countries
  • Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan)
  • South America / Latin America (inter alia, Chile)

I would be glad to of­fer you an ini­tial ana­ly­sis free of charge

Let us con­duct a de­tailed, ini­tial con­ver­sa­tion free of charge in or­der to de­fine the prob­lem. Af­ter­wards, you will re­ceive a sum­mary with pos­si­ble so­lu­tions and my com­mer­cial of­fer.