General Management/Finance

Leadership experience

  • Managing director (CEO) of medium-sized companies and group companies;
    Finance Director (CFO) of the Shared Service Center (SSC) of a holding company;
    Project manager (PM).
  • Reporting to the owner or to employed executives.
  • Strategy, business plan, cost accounting, liquidity plan: Set-up and implementation.
  • Financial reports, controlling, KPI’s; cost cuttings; profit increase.
  • Task processing according to the principles of agile project management.
  • Leadership of several hundred employees; clear announcements; assignment and control of clear-cut responsibilities; expansion and reduction of staff.
  • Building companies, developing companies, relocation of companies, restructuring and turn-around as Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO).
  • Regaining control of subsidiaries.
  • Drying out corruption schemes as Chief Compliance Officer (CCO).
  • Experience in other functions: Consultant, advisor, supervisory board.

Control of subsidiaries – as confident of the parent company

  • In a national & international environment: Applying customized and proven solutions that I have developed for this area of conflict. Using this approach, we achieve a win-win situation in which deviating ideas in the subsidiary company can be brought into line with the targets of the parent company.
  • In an international environment: Such deviating ideas can lead to a loss of control by the parent company. This problem can be solved through my vast expertise as a globally operating top manager, either as a “coach who seeks a compromise” or as a “tough one who gets his way”, depending on the requirements of the problem.

I would be glad to of­fer you an ini­tial ana­ly­sis free of charge

Let us con­duct a de­tailed, ini­tial con­ver­sa­tion free of charge in or­der to de­fine the prob­lem. Af­ter­wards, you will re­ceive a sum­mary with pos­si­ble so­lu­tions and my com­mer­cial of­fer.